Monday, March 23, 2009

Check Out Our Featured Article In the Etsy Mentor Series And You Could Win $25 Worth of Merchandise from One of Our Etsy Stores!

We wanted to share our recently featured Article in the Offical Etsy Mentor Series, presented by a wonderful Esty Seller, Tara, from KMTGraphicdesign.
In her informative mentor series, we got an opportunity to share and educate, on the various aspects of our business experience. This specific article was a highlight on the importance of diversification in your business. I had such a fun time writing the article for the series and Tara is a fabulous person to collaborate with! Please take the time to visit her shop and her blog spot, to see what this amazing young lady has to offer. As an incentive to do so, I am offering a raffle contest for one giveaway for $25.00 of FREE MERCHANDISE, from any of our Etsy Stores. Take a peek at them to see what you'd like to spend your FREE money on:

Belandaria Designs
Notable Notions
The Way We Wore
Elemental Earth
His Haute Store

If you would like to be entered in to the raffle contest, feel free visit the the blog spot for KMTGraphicdesign and take a peek at the article. Feel free to leave a comment on her blog or even sign up to follow her blog. Come back to our blog and simply make a comment on our blog about the article and/or sign up to follow our blog. We will choose the winner, in a random fashion, from all of the folks that get a chance to read the article and comment and/or sign up for each of our blogs. I will gather all of the names of the visitors, between March 23rd, 2009 and April 10, 2009 and will randomly draw a name from those raffle entries on April 11, 2009. The winner will get $25.00 towards a purchase in one of my Etsy stores and I will notify the winner by Email, as well as by a blogpost announcement. Feel free to email me at with any questions you may have and thank you so much for your support!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Answer The Ever Present Question, "Can I do my Arts and Crafts for a Living?"

So many people in this world hold a true talent for something great. Whether it be making jewelry, painting pictures, taking photographs, or one of many other well recognized arts. In these times of uncertainty, quite a few people are looking for ways to be more self sufficient and self supporting. Have you ever thought of doing your art or craft as a career? I know, it may seem far fetched, but quite frankly, if you have the patience and the right resources, as well as the genuine talent, you CAN do it. Here's a little guideline of some things to consider, when you decide to pursue that creative career you've always dreamed about having:
  1. Consider your talents and specialize in the things you are best at. Try not to spread yourself too thin, as this may inhibit your growth potential. Find something you do well and be AMAZING at it.Remember, do what you LOVE to do.
  2. Find Your Niche Market. Who are your clients? Who is able to consider purchasing and appreciating what you create? what are the best ways to reach that particular audience?
  3. Consider all of your marketing avenues, including online e commerce, trade shows, art fairs, local periodicals, magazine publications, stores fronts, etc. What is the most cost effective way to reach the largest amount of your audience at one time?
  4. Be Creative with your marketing. Think outside of the box. Have you considered doing things, such as promotions and give aways? Have you offered loyalty incentives? Are you out there in your community, letting people know about you and your goods/services?
  5. Be open to continuous education and sharpening of skills. Even the best artists can learn a thing or to, in order to make them a more "well-rounded" artisan. Consider workshops, college courses, or even weekend education retreats. They are a fun and social way to expand your abilities and meet like minded artists.
  6. Network. Don't be afraid to know the people in your community. Attend local Chamber of Commerce meetings, town meetings, community fairs, etc. Utilize your online networks as well, through amazing sites, such as Facebook, My Space, Twitter, etc. You could meet some amazingly supportive people that way, so get out there!
  7. Be Patient. This is the most important rule of thumb. Nobody is a success over night. Anything worth having takes some effort, energy, time, and a lot of motivation and desire. Don't let the things you have not attained yet be the focus of your energy. Consider all of the things you have accomplished, and give yourself time to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how big or small.
Although there are many things to consider, these are the key points that have been a helpful guideline for me, in my personal and professional pursuits. I have had the pleasure of owning and operating my creative business for a little over 7 years and have loved every minute of it. Also, keep in mind that success is not always measured just by dollar signs. It is also measured in your happiness, satisfaction, and quality of life. When you are happy in your decisions, everything else seems to fall in place.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I'd love to hear from you! Much success and happiness to you and yours!